default namespace = "" namespace a = "" namespace ns1 = "" namespace rng = "" namespace sch = "" namespace tei = "" namespace teix = "" namespace xlink = "" # Schema generated from ODD source 2017-03-02T16:10:25Z. . # TEI Edition: Version 3.1.0. Last updated on # 15th December 2016, revision d3f5e70 # TEI Edition Location: 3.1.0/ # # tei_macro.paraContent = (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | tei_model.inter | | tei_lg | tei_model.lLike)* tei_macro.limitedContent = (text | tei_model.limitedPhrase | tei_model.inter)* tei_macro.phraseSeq = (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase |* = (text | tei_model.limitedPhrase |* tei_macro.specialPara = (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | tei_model.inter | tei_model.divPart |* tei_macro.xtext = (text | tei_model.gLike)* tei_data.pointer = xsd:anyURI tei_macro.anyThing = tei_TEI | tei_activity | tei_additional | tei_addrLine | tei_address | tei_author | tei_availability | tei_back | tei_bibl | tei_biblStruct | tei_body | tei_byline | tei_cell | tei_channel | tei_char | tei_charDecl | tei_charName | tei_charProp | tei_choice | tei_cit | tei_collection | tei_constitution | tei_corr | tei_correction | tei_correspAction | tei_correspContext | tei_correspDesc | tei_date | tei_derivation | tei_distributor | tei_div | tei_docAuthor | tei_docDate | tei_docEdition | tei_docImprint | tei_docTitle | tei_domain | tei_edition | tei_editionStmt | tei_editorialDecl | tei_encodingDesc | tei_epigraph | tei_extent | tei_factuality | tei_fallback | tei_figure | tei_fileDesc | tei_foreign | tei_front | tei_funder | tei_fw | tei_g | tei_gap | tei_head | tei_hyphenation | tei_idno | tei_imprimatur | tei_imprint | tei_include | tei_institution | tei_interaction | tei_interp | tei_interpGrp | tei_interpretation | tei_item | tei_keywords | tei_l | tei_langUsage | tei_language | tei_lb | tei_lg | tei_licence | tei_list | tei_locale | tei_mapping | tei_measure | tei_milestone | tei_monogr | tei_msDesc | tei_msFrag | tei_msIdentifier | tei_name | tei_namespace | tei_normalization | tei_note | tei_notesStmt | tei_orig | tei_p | tei_particDesc | tei_pb | tei_pc | tei_persName | tei_placeName | tei_preparedness | tei_profileDesc | tei_projectDesc | tei_ptr | tei_pubPlace | tei_publicationStmt | tei_publisher | tei_purpose | tei_quote | tei_ref | tei_reg | tei_rendition | tei_repository | tei_resp | tei_respStmt | tei_row | tei_rs | tei_samplingDecl | tei_schemaRef | tei_secl | tei_seg | tei_segmentation | tei_series | tei_seriesStmt | tei_setting | tei_settingDesc | tei_settlement | tei_sic | tei_sourceDesc | tei_sponsor | tei_stdVals | tei_styleDefDecl | tei_supplied | tei_surrogates | tei_table | tei_tagUsage | tei_tagsDecl | tei_taxonomy | tei_teiCorpus | tei_teiHeader | tei_term | tei_text | tei_textClass | tei_textDesc | tei_title | tei_titlePage | tei_titlePart | tei_titleStmt | tei_value | tei_w | tei_xenoData anyElement-xenoData = element * - (tei:* | teix:egXML) { attribute * { text }*, (text | anyElement-xenoData)* } tei_att.ascribed.attributes = empty tei_att.canonical.attributes = tei_att.canonical.attribute.key, tei_att.canonical.attribute.ref tei_att.canonical.attribute.key = ## provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind. attribute key { xsd:string }? tei_att.canonical.attribute.ref = ## (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs. attribute ref { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.ranging.attributes = tei_att.ranging.attribute.atLeast, tei_att.ranging.attribute.atMost, tei_att.ranging.attribute.min, tei_att.ranging.attribute.max, tei_att.ranging.attribute.confidence tei_att.ranging.attribute.atLeast = ## gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement. attribute atLeast { xsd:double | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal }? tei_att.ranging.attribute.atMost = ## gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement. attribute atMost { xsd:double | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal }? tei_att.ranging.attribute.min = ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed. attribute min { xsd:double | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal }? tei_att.ranging.attribute.max = ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed. attribute max { xsd:double | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal }? tei_att.ranging.attribute.confidence = ## specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range. attribute confidence { xsd:double }? tei_att.dimensions.attributes = tei_att.ranging.attributes, tei_att.dimensions.attribute.unit, tei_att.dimensions.attribute.quantity, tei_att.dimensions.attribute.extent, tei_att.dimensions.attribute.precision, tei_att.dimensions.attribute.scope tei_att.dimensions.attribute.unit = ## names the unit used for the measurement ## Suggested values include: 1] cm(centimetres) ; 2] mm(millimetres) ; 3] in(inches) ; 4] lines; 5] chars(characters) attribute unit { ## (centimetres) "cm" | ## (millimetres) "mm" | ## (inches) "in" | ## lines of text "lines" | ## (characters) characters of text "chars" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.dimensions.attribute.quantity = ## specifies the length in the units specified attribute quantity { xsd:double | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal }? tei_att.dimensions.attribute.extent = ## indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words. attribute extent { xsd:string }? tei_att.dimensions.attribute.precision = ## characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes. attribute precision { ## "high" | ## "medium" | ## "low" | ## "unknown" }? tei_att.dimensions.attribute.scope = ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement. ## Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range attribute scope { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.written.attributes = tei_att.written.attribute.hand tei_att.written.attribute.hand = ## points to a handNote element describing the hand considered responsible for the textual content of the element concerned. attribute hand { xsd:anyURI }? tei_att.breaking.attributes = tei_att.breaking.attribute.break tei_att.breaking.attribute.break = ## indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace. attribute break { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.cReferencing.attributes = empty tei_att.datable.w3c.attributes = tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.when, tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore, tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter, tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.from, tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.when = ## supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute when { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime }? tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore = ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute notBefore { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime }? tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter = ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute notAfter { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime }? tei_att.datable.w3c.attribute.from = ## indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute from { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime }? = ## indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute to { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime }? sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.datable.w3c-att-datable-w3c-when-constraint-rule-1" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@when]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "@notBefore|@notAfter|@from|@to" role = "nonfatal" "The @when attribute cannot be used with any other att.datable.w3c attributes." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.datable.w3c-att-datable-w3c-from-constraint-rule-2" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@from]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "@notBefore" role = "nonfatal" "The @from and @notBefore attributes cannot be used together." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.datable.w3c-att-datable-w3c-to-constraint-rule-3" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@to]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "@notAfter" role = "nonfatal" "The @to and @notAfter attributes cannot be used together." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] tei_att.datable.attributes = tei_att.datable.w3c.attributes, tei_att.datable.iso.attributes, tei_att.datable.custom.attributes, tei_att.datable.attribute.calendar, tei_att.datable.attribute.period tei_att.datable.attribute.calendar = ## indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs. attribute calendar { xsd:anyURI }? sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.datable-calendar-calendar-constraint-rule-4" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@calendar]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "string-length(.) gt 0" "\x{a}" ~ "@calendar indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element\x{a}" ~ "belongs, but this " sch:name [ ] " element has no textual content." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] tei_att.datable.attribute.period = ## supplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred. attribute period { xsd:anyURI }? tei_att.datcat.attribute.datcat = ## contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat. attribute ns1:datcat { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.datcat.attribute.valueDatcat = ## contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat. attribute ns1:valueDatcat { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.declarable.attributes = tei_att.declarable.attribute.default tei_att.declarable.attribute.default = ## indicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected. [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute default { ## This element is selected if its parent is selected "true" | ## This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected. "false" }? tei_att.declaring.attributes = tei_att.declaring.attribute.decls tei_att.declaring.attribute.decls = ## identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content. attribute decls { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.fragmentable.attributes = tei_att.fragmentable.attribute.part tei_att.fragmentable.attribute.part = ## specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers. [ a:defaultValue = "N" ] attribute part { ## (yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect "Y" | ## (no) the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness "N" | ## (initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element "I" | ## (medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element "M" | ## (final) this is the final part of a fragmented element "F" }? tei_att.divLike.attributes = tei_att.fragmentable.attributes,, tei_att.divLike.attribute.sample = ## (organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized. [ a:defaultValue = "uniform" ] attribute org { ## no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships. "composite" | ## the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence. "uniform" }? tei_att.divLike.attribute.sample = ## indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part. [ a:defaultValue = "complete" ] attribute sample { ## division lacks material present at end in source. "initial" | ## division lacks material at start and end. "medial" | ## division lacks material at start. "final" | ## position of sampled material within original unknown. "unknown" | ## division is not a sample. "complete" }? tei_att.docStatus.attributes = tei_att.docStatus.attribute.status tei_att.docStatus.attribute.status = ## describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated. ## Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn [ a:defaultValue = "draft" ] attribute status { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? =, = ## (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation. attribute cert { xsd:double | ( ## "high" | ## "medium" | ## "low" | ## "unknown") }? = ## (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber. attribute resp { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.editLike.attributes = tei_att.dimensions.attributes, tei_att.editLike.attribute.evidence, tei_att.editLike.attribute.instant tei_att.editLike.attribute.evidence = ## indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation. ## Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture attribute evidence { list { ( ## there is internal evidence to support the intervention. "internal" | ## there is external evidence to support the intervention. "external" | ## the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise. "conjecture" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" })+ } }? tei_att.editLike.attribute.instant = ## indicates whether this is an instant revision or not. [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute instant { xsd:boolean | ( ## "unknown" | ## "inapplicable") }? =,, = ## (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text. attribute rend { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? = ## contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text attribute style { xsd:string }? = ## points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text. attribute rendition { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? = = ## specifies the source from which some aspect of this element is drawn. attribute source { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? =,,,,,,,,,,, = ## (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute. attribute xml:id { xsd:ID }? = ## (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document. attribute n { xsd:string }? = ## (language) indicates the language of the element content using a tag generated according to BCP 47. attribute xml:lang { xsd:language | ( ## "") }? = ## provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI }? = ## signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications. attribute xml:space { ## signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable "default" | ## indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space "preserve" }? tei_att.handFeatures.attribute.scribe = ## gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand. attribute scribe { xsd:Name }? tei_att.handFeatures.attribute.scribeRef = ## points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a person element elsewhere in the description. attribute scribeRef { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.handFeatures.attribute.script = ## characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc. attribute script { list { xsd:Name+ } }? tei_att.handFeatures.attribute.scriptRef = ## points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a scriptNote element elsewhere in the description. attribute scriptRef { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.handFeatures.attribute.medium = ## describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil attribute medium { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.handFeatures.attribute.scope = ## specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript. attribute scope { ## only this hand is used throughout the manuscript "sole" | ## this hand is used through most of the manuscript "major" | ## this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript "minor" }? tei_att.internetMedia.attributes = tei_att.internetMedia.attribute.mimeType tei_att.internetMedia.attribute.mimeType = ## (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type attribute mimeType { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.resourced.attributes = tei_att.resourced.attribute.url tei_att.resourced.attribute.url = ## (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained. attribute url { xsd:anyURI } tei_att.interpLike.attributes = tei_att.interpLike.attribute.type, tei_att.interpLike.attribute.inst tei_att.interpLike.attribute.type = ## indicates what kind of phenomenon is being noted in the passage. ## Sample values include: 1] image; 2] character; 3] theme; 4] allusion attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.interpLike.attribute.inst = ## (instances) points to instances of the analysis or interpretation represented by the current element. attribute inst { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.measurement.attributes = tei_att.measurement.attribute.unit, tei_att.measurement.attribute.quantity, tei_att.measurement.attribute.commodity tei_att.measurement.attribute.unit = ## indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units. ## Suggested values include: 1] m(metre) ; 2] kg(kilogram) ; 3] s(second) ; 4] Hz(hertz) ; 5] Pa(pascal) ; 6] Ω(ohm) ; 7] L(litre) ; 8] t(tonne) ; 9] ha(hectare) ; 10] Å(ångström) ; 11] mL(millilitre) ; 12] cm(centimetre) ; 13] dB(decibel) ; 14] kbit(kilobit) ; 15] Kibit(kibibit) ; 16] kB(kilobyte) ; 17] KiB(kibibyte) ; 18] MB(megabyte) ; 19] MiB(mebibyte) attribute unit { ## (metre) SI base unit of length "m" | ## (kilogram) SI base unit of mass "kg" | ## (second) SI base unit of time "s" | ## (hertz) SI unit of frequency "Hz" | ## (pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress "Pa" | ## (ohm) SI unit of electric resistance "Ω" | ## (litre) 1 dm³ "L" | ## (tonne) 10³ kg "t" | ## (hectare) 1 hm² "ha" | ## (ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m "Å" | ## (millilitre) "mL" | ## (centimetre) "cm" | ## (decibel) see remarks, below "dB" | ## (kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits "kbit" | ## (kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits "Kibit" | ## (kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes "kB" | ## (kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes "KiB" | ## (megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes "MB" | ## (mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes "MiB" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.measurement.attribute.quantity = ## specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement attribute quantity { xsd:double | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal }? tei_att.measurement.attribute.commodity = ## indicates the substance that is being measured attribute commodity { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.naming.attributes = tei_att.canonical.attributes, tei_att.naming.attribute.role, tei_att.naming.attribute.nymRef tei_att.naming.attribute.role = ## may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place. attribute role { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.naming.attribute.nymRef = ## (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it. attribute nymRef { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.placement.attributes = = ## specifies where this item is placed. ## Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace attribute place { list { ( ## below the line "below" | ## at the foot of the page "bottom" | ## in the margin (left, right, or both) "margin" | ## at the top of the page "top" | ## on the opposite, i.e. facing, page "opposite" | ## on the other side of the leaf "overleaf" | ## above the line "above" | ## at the end of e.g. chapter or volume. "end" | ## within the body of the text. "inline" | ## in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe. "inspace" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" })+ } }? tei_att.typed.attributes = tei_att.typed.attribute.type, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype tei_att.typed.attribute.type = ## characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology. attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype = ## provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed attribute subtype { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.typed-subtypeTyped-constraint-rule-5" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@subtype]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "@type" "The " sch:name [ ] " element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type" ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] tei_att.pointing.attributes = tei_att.pointing.attribute.targetLang,, tei_att.pointing.attribute.evaluate tei_att.pointing.attribute.targetLang = ## specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a language tag generated according to BCP 47. attribute targetLang { xsd:language | ( ## "") }? sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.pointing-targetLang-targetLang-constraint-rule-6" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[not(self::tei:schemaSpec)][@targetLang]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "@target" "@targetLang should only be used on " sch:name [ ] " if @target is specified." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] = ## specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References attribute target { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.pointing.attribute.evaluate = ## specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer. attribute evaluate { ## if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer. "all" | ## if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer. "one" | ## no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target. "none" }? tei_att.sortable.attributes = tei_att.sortable.attribute.sortKey tei_att.sortable.attribute.sortKey = ## supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it. attribute sortKey { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.edition.attributes = tei_att.edition.attribute.ed, tei_att.edition.attribute.edRef tei_att.edition.attribute.ed = ## (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text. attribute ed { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.edition.attribute.edRef = ## (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text. attribute edRef { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_att.spanning.attributes = tei_att.spanning.attribute.spanTo tei_att.spanning.attribute.spanTo = ## indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute. attribute spanTo { xsd:anyURI }? sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.spanning-spanTo-spanTo-2-constraint-rule-7" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@spanTo]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "id(substring(@spanTo,2)) and following::*[@xml:id=substring(current()/@spanTo,2)]" "\x{a}" ~ "The element indicated by @spanTo (" sch:value-of [ select = "@spanTo" ] ") must follow the current element " sch:name [ ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] tei_att.styleDef.attributes = tei_att.styleDef.attribute.scheme, tei_att.styleDef.attribute.schemeVersion tei_att.styleDef.attribute.scheme = ## identifies the language used to describe the rendition. attribute scheme { ## Cascading Stylesheet Language "css" | ## Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects "xslfo" | ## Informal free text description "free" | ## A user-defined rendition description language "other" }? tei_att.styleDef.attribute.schemeVersion = ## supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme. attribute schemeVersion { xsd:token { pattern = "[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}" } }? sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-att.styleDef-schemeVersion-schemeVersionRequiresScheme-constraint-rule-8" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:*[@schemeVersion]" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "@scheme and not(@scheme = 'free')" "\x{a}" ~ " @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] tei_att.tableDecoration.attributes = tei_att.tableDecoration.attribute.role, tei_att.tableDecoration.attribute.rows, tei_att.tableDecoration.attribute.cols tei_att.tableDecoration.attribute.role = ## indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row. ## Suggested values include: 1] label; 2] data [ a:defaultValue = "data" ] attribute role { ## labelling or descriptive information only. "label" | ## data values. "data" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }? tei_att.tableDecoration.attribute.rows = ## indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row. [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute rows { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? tei_att.tableDecoration.attribute.cols = ## (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row. [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute cols { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? tei_att.timed.attributes = tei_att.timed.attribute.start, tei_att.timed.attribute.end tei_att.timed.attribute.start = ## indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins. attribute start { xsd:anyURI }? tei_att.timed.attribute.end = ## indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends. attribute end { xsd:anyURI }? tei_model.nameLike.agent = tei_name | tei_persName tei_model.nameLike.agent_alternation = tei_name | tei_persName tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequence = tei_name, tei_persName tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptional = tei_name?, tei_persName? tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_name*, tei_persName* tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequenceRepeatable = tei_name+, tei_persName+ tei_model.segLike = tei_w | tei_pc | tei_seg tei_model.hiLike = notAllowed tei_model.hiLike_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.hiLike_sequence = empty tei_model.hiLike_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.hiLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.hiLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_model.emphLike = tei_foreign | tei_term | tei_title tei_model.emphLike_alternation = tei_foreign | tei_term | tei_title tei_model.emphLike_sequence = tei_foreign, tei_term, tei_title tei_model.emphLike_sequenceOptional = tei_foreign?, tei_term?, tei_title? tei_model.emphLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_foreign*, tei_term*, tei_title* tei_model.emphLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_foreign+, tei_term+, tei_title+ tei_model.highlighted = tei_model.hiLike | tei_model.emphLike tei_model.dateLike = tei_date tei_model.dateLike_alternation = tei_date tei_model.dateLike_sequence = tei_date tei_model.dateLike_sequenceOptional = tei_date? tei_model.dateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_date* tei_model.dateLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_date+ tei_model.measureLike = tei_measure tei_model.measureLike_alternation = tei_measure tei_model.measureLike_sequence = tei_measure tei_model.measureLike_sequenceOptional = tei_measure? tei_model.measureLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_measure* tei_model.measureLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_measure+ tei_model.egLike = notAllowed tei_model.egLike_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.egLike_sequence = empty tei_model.egLike_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.egLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.egLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_model.graphicLike = notAllowed tei_model.offsetLike = notAllowed tei_model.offsetLike_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.offsetLike_sequence = empty tei_model.offsetLike_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.offsetLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.offsetLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_model.pPart.msdesc = notAllowed tei_model.pPart.editorial = tei_choice tei_model.pPart.editorial_alternation = tei_choice tei_model.pPart.editorial_sequence = tei_choice tei_model.pPart.editorial_sequenceOptional = tei_choice? tei_model.pPart.editorial_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_choice* tei_model.pPart.editorial_sequenceRepeatable = tei_choice+ tei_model.pPart.transcriptional = tei_sic | tei_corr | tei_reg | tei_orig | tei_supplied | tei_secl tei_model.pPart.transcriptional_alternation = tei_sic | tei_corr | tei_reg | tei_orig | tei_supplied | tei_secl tei_model.pPart.transcriptional_sequence = tei_sic, tei_corr, tei_reg, tei_orig, tei_supplied, tei_secl tei_model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceOptional = tei_sic?, tei_corr?, tei_reg?, tei_orig?, tei_supplied?, tei_secl? tei_model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_sic*, tei_corr*, tei_reg*, tei_orig*, tei_supplied*, tei_secl* tei_model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceRepeatable = tei_sic+, tei_corr+, tei_reg+, tei_orig+, tei_supplied+, tei_secl+ tei_model.pPart.edit = tei_model.pPart.editorial | tei_model.pPart.transcriptional tei_model.ptrLike = tei_ptr | tei_ref tei_model.lPart = notAllowed = tei_interp | tei_interpGrp tei_model.milestoneLike = tei_milestone | tei_pb | tei_lb | tei_fw tei_model.gLike = tei_g tei_model.oddDecl = notAllowed tei_model.oddDecl_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.oddDecl_sequence = empty tei_model.oddDecl_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.oddDecl_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.oddDecl_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_model.phrase.xml = notAllowed tei_model.specDescLike = notAllowed tei_model.biblLike = tei_bibl | tei_biblStruct | tei_msDesc tei_model.biblLike_alternation = tei_bibl | tei_biblStruct | tei_msDesc tei_model.biblLike_sequence = tei_bibl, tei_biblStruct, tei_msDesc tei_model.biblLike_sequenceOptional = tei_bibl?, tei_biblStruct?, tei_msDesc? tei_model.biblLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_bibl*, tei_biblStruct*, tei_msDesc* tei_model.biblLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_bibl+, tei_biblStruct+, tei_msDesc+ tei_model.headLike = tei_head tei_model.headLike_alternation = tei_head tei_model.headLike_sequence = tei_head tei_model.headLike_sequenceOptional = tei_head? tei_model.headLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_head* tei_model.headLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_head+ tei_model.labelLike = notAllowed tei_model.labelLike_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.labelLike_sequence = empty tei_model.labelLike_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.labelLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.labelLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_model.listLike = tei_list | tei_table tei_model.listLike_alternation = tei_list | tei_table tei_model.listLike_sequence = tei_list, tei_table tei_model.listLike_sequenceOptional = tei_list?, tei_table? tei_model.listLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_list*, tei_table* tei_model.listLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_list+, tei_table+ tei_model.noteLike = tei_note tei_model.lLike = tei_l tei_model.lLike_alternation = tei_l tei_model.lLike_sequence = tei_l tei_model.lLike_sequenceOptional = tei_l? tei_model.lLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_l* tei_model.lLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_l+ tei_model.pLike = tei_p tei_model.pLike_alternation = tei_p tei_model.pLike_sequence = tei_p tei_model.pLike_sequenceOptional = tei_p? tei_model.pLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_p* tei_model.pLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_p+ tei_model.stageLike = notAllowed tei_model.stageLike_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.stageLike_sequence = empty tei_model.stageLike_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.stageLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.stageLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_model.entryPart = notAllowed = tei_gap tei_model.divPart = tei_model.lLike | tei_model.pLike | tei_lg tei_model.personLike = notAllowed tei_model.placeNamePart = tei_placeName | tei_settlement tei_model.placeNamePart_alternation = tei_placeName | tei_settlement tei_model.placeNamePart_sequence = tei_placeName, tei_settlement tei_model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional = tei_placeName?, tei_settlement? tei_model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_placeName*, tei_settlement* tei_model.placeNamePart_sequenceRepeatable = tei_placeName+, tei_settlement+ tei_model.placeStateLike = tei_model.placeNamePart tei_model.placeStateLike_alternation = tei_model.placeNamePart_alternation tei_model.placeStateLike_sequence = tei_model.placeNamePart_sequence tei_model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptional = tei_model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional? tei_model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable* tei_model.placeStateLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_model.placeNamePart_sequenceRepeatable+ = tei_publisher | tei_distributor tei_model.publicationStmtPart.detail = tei_address | tei_date | tei_pubPlace | tei_idno | tei_availability tei_model.availabilityPart = tei_licence tei_model.certLike = notAllowed tei_model.descLike = notAllowed tei_model.glossLike = notAllowed tei_model.quoteLike = tei_quote | tei_cit tei_model.quoteLike_alternation = tei_quote | tei_cit tei_model.quoteLike_sequence = tei_quote, tei_cit tei_model.quoteLike_sequenceOptional = tei_quote?, tei_cit? tei_model.quoteLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_quote*, tei_cit* tei_model.quoteLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_quote+, tei_cit+ tei_model.qLike = tei_model.quoteLike tei_model.qLike_alternation = tei_model.quoteLike_alternation tei_model.qLike_sequence = tei_model.quoteLike_sequence tei_model.qLike_sequenceOptional = tei_model.quoteLike_sequenceOptional? tei_model.qLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_model.quoteLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable* tei_model.qLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_model.quoteLike_sequenceRepeatable+ tei_model.respLike = tei_author | tei_respStmt | tei_sponsor | tei_funder tei_model.divWrapper = tei_byline | tei_epigraph | tei_docAuthor | tei_docDate tei_model.divTopPart = tei_model.headLike tei_model.divTop = tei_model.divWrapper | tei_model.divTopPart tei_model.frontPart.drama = notAllowed tei_model.pLike.front = tei_head | tei_byline | tei_epigraph | tei_docTitle | tei_titlePart | tei_docAuthor | tei_docEdition | tei_docImprint | tei_docDate tei_model.divBottomPart = notAllowed tei_model.divBottom = tei_model.divWrapper | tei_model.divBottomPart tei_model.titlepagePart = tei_byline | tei_epigraph | tei_docTitle | tei_titlePart | tei_docAuthor | tei_imprimatur | tei_docEdition | tei_docImprint | tei_docDate tei_model.choicePart = tei_sic | tei_corr | tei_reg | tei_orig | tei_supplied | tei_seg tei_model.imprintPart = tei_publisher | tei_pubPlace | tei_distributor tei_model.settingPart = tei_locale | tei_activity tei_model.addressLike = tei_address tei_model.addressLike_alternation = tei_address tei_model.addressLike_sequence = tei_address tei_model.addressLike_sequenceOptional = tei_address? tei_model.addressLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_address* tei_model.addressLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_address+ tei_model.nameLike = tei_model.nameLike.agent | tei_model.offsetLike | tei_model.placeStateLike | tei_rs | tei_idno | tei_model.persNamePart tei_model.nameLike_alternation = tei_model.nameLike.agent_alternation | tei_model.offsetLike_alternation | tei_model.placeStateLike_alternation | tei_rs | tei_idno | tei_model.persNamePart_alternation tei_model.nameLike_sequence = tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequence, tei_model.offsetLike_sequence, tei_model.placeStateLike_sequence, tei_rs, tei_idno, tei_model.persNamePart_sequence tei_model.nameLike_sequenceOptional = tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptional?, tei_model.offsetLike_sequenceOptional?, tei_model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptional?, tei_rs?, tei_idno?, tei_model.persNamePart_sequenceOptional? tei_model.nameLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*, tei_model.offsetLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*, tei_model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*, tei_rs*, tei_idno*, tei_model.persNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable* tei_model.nameLike_sequenceRepeatable = tei_model.nameLike.agent_sequenceRepeatable+, tei_model.offsetLike_sequenceRepeatable+, tei_model.placeStateLike_sequenceRepeatable+, tei_rs+, tei_idno+, tei_model.persNamePart_sequenceRepeatable+ = | tei_model.milestoneLike | tei_model.noteLike | | tei_figure tei_model.biblPart = tei_model.respLike | tei_model.imprintPart | tei_series | tei_bibl | tei_edition | tei_extent | tei_availability | tei_msIdentifier tei_model.frontPart = tei_model.frontPart.drama | tei_titlePage tei_model.addrPart = tei_model.nameLike | tei_addrLine = tei_model.dateLike | tei_model.measureLike | tei_model.addressLike | tei_model.nameLike tei_model.inter = tei_model.egLike | tei_model.oddDecl | tei_model.biblLike | tei_model.labelLike | tei_model.listLike | tei_model.stageLike | tei_model.qLike tei_model.common = tei_model.divPart | tei_model.inter | tei_include tei_model.phrase = tei_model.segLike | tei_model.highlighted | tei_model.graphicLike | tei_model.pPart.msdesc | tei_model.pPart.edit | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_model.lPart | tei_model.phrase.xml | tei_model.specDescLike | tei_model.limitedPhrase = tei_model.hiLike | tei_model.emphLike | tei_model.pPart.msdesc | tei_model.pPart.editorial | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_model.phrase.xml | tei_model.divLike = tei_div tei_model.divGenLike = notAllowed tei_model.div1Like = notAllowed tei_model.teiHeaderPart = tei_encodingDesc | tei_profileDesc | tei_xenoData tei_model.sourceDescPart = notAllowed tei_model.encodingDescPart = tei_schemaRef | tei_projectDesc | tei_samplingDecl | tei_editorialDecl | tei_tagsDecl | tei_styleDefDecl | tei_charDecl tei_model.editorialDeclPart = tei_correction | tei_normalization | tei_hyphenation | tei_segmentation | tei_stdVals | tei_interpretation tei_model.profileDescPart = tei_textDesc | tei_particDesc | tei_settingDesc | tei_langUsage | tei_textClass | tei_correspDesc tei_model.correspActionPart = tei_model.dateLike | tei_model.addressLike | tei_model.nameLike | tei_note tei_model.correspContextPart = tei_model.ptrLike | tei_model.pLike | tei_note tei_model.correspDescPart = tei_note | tei_correspAction | tei_correspContext tei_model.resourceLike = tei_text tei_att.personal.attributes = tei_att.naming.attributes, tei_att.personal.attribute.full, tei_att.personal.attribute.sort tei_att.personal.attribute.full = ## indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial. [ a:defaultValue = "yes" ] attribute full { ## the name component is spelled out in full. "yes" | ## (abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form. "abb" | ## (initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial. "init" }? tei_att.personal.attribute.sort = ## specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name. attribute sort { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? tei_model.placeLike = notAllowed tei_p = ## (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. Paragraphs 7.2.5. Speech Contents] element tei:p { tei_macro.paraContent >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-p-abstractModel-p-constraint-report-4" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:p" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "(ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab) and not(parent::tei:exemplum |parent::tei:item |parent::tei:note |parent::tei:q |parent::tei:quote |parent::tei:remarks |parent::tei:said |parent::tei:sp |parent::tei:stage |parent::tei:cell |parent::tei:figure)" "\x{a}" ~ " Abstract model violation: Paragraphs may not contain other paragraphs or ab elements.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-p-abstractModel-structure-l-constraint-report-5" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:p" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:p[. = current()])]" "\x{a}" ~ " Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, p, or ab.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],, tei_att.declaring.attributes, tei_att.fragmentable.attributes, tei_att.written.attributes, empty } tei_foreign = ## identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ Foreign Words or Expressions] element tei:foreign { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, empty } tei_quote = ## (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts] element tei:quote { tei_macro.specialPara,, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.msExcerpt.attributes, empty } tei_cit = ## (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts Examples] element tei:cit { (tei_model.qLike | tei_model.egLike | tei_model.biblLike | tei_model.ptrLike | | tei_model.entryPart)+,, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_term = ## contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions] element tei:term { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.declaring.attributes, tei_att.pointing.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.canonical.attributes, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.cReferencing.attributes, empty } tei_sic = ## (Latin for thus or so) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors] element tei:sic { tei_macro.paraContent,, empty } tei_corr = ## (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors] element tei:corr { tei_macro.paraContent,, tei_att.editLike.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_choice = ## groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes] element tei:choice { (tei_model.choicePart | tei_choice)*,, empty } tei_reg = ## (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. Regularization and ## Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus] element tei:reg { tei_macro.paraContent,, tei_att.editLike.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_orig = ## (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. Regularization and ## Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus] element tei:orig { tei_macro.paraContent,, empty } tei_gap = ## indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions] element tei:gap { (tei_model.descLike | tei_model.certLike)*,, tei_att.timed.attributes, tei_att.editLike.attributes, ## gives the reason for omission. Sample values include sampling, inaudible, irrelevant, cancelled. attribute reason { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }?, ## in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, indicates the hand which made the deletion. attribute hand { xsd:anyURI }?, ## in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified. ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke attribute agent { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_name = ## (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. Referring Strings] element tei:name { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.personal.attributes, tei_att.datable.attributes, tei_att.editLike.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_rs = ## (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. Personal Names 3.5.1. Referring Strings] element tei:rs { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.naming.attribute.role, tei_att.naming.attribute.nymRef, tei_att.canonical.attribute.key, ## attribute ref { list { ( ## "#abbo" | ## "#apos" | ## "#arch" | ## "#arit" | ## "#astr" | ## "#attr" | ## "#attr_s" | ## "#augu" | ## "#barm" | ## "#barn" | ## "#bene" | ## "#bish" | ## "#calv" | ## "#capu" | ## "#card" | ## "#carm" | ## "#chap" | ## "#domi" | ## "#evan" | ## "#fool" | ## "#fran" | ## "#fratMin" | ## "#geog" | ## "#geom" | ## "#habi" | ## "#habi_" | ## "#hist" | ## "#hohe" | ## "#huss" | ## "#inst" | ## "#jest" | ## "#jest_" | ## "#jesu" | ## "#juri" | ## "#lang" | ## "#math" | ## "#medi" | ## "#mino" | ## "#parl" | ## "#parl_" | ## "#patr" | ## "#paul" | ## "#pers" | ## "#phil" | ## "#pont" | ## "#prae" | ## "#prie" | ## "#rabb" | ## "#rtheo" | ## "#scie" | ## "#scie_asso" | ## "#serv" | ## "#sour" | ## "#_cler" | ## "#_fool" | ## "#_scie")+ } }?, ## attribute type { ## "death" | ## "game" | ## "profession" }?, ## attribute subtype { ## "acti" | ## "attr" | ## "cleric" | ## "corp" | ## "even" | ## "even_a" | ## "even_b" | ## "even_c" | ## "figu" | ## "figu_alt" | ## "foolery" | ## "fraud" | ## "fraud_" | ## "fune" | ## "jargon" | ## "misc" | ## "name" | ## "player" | ## "requisite" | ## "science" | ## "scientist" | ## "stat" | ## "term" | ## "term_" | ## "_scie" }?, empty } tei_address = ## contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. [3.5.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] element tei:address { (*, (tei_model.addrPart,*)+),, empty } tei_addrLine = ## (address line) contains one line of a postal address. [3.5.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] element tei:addrLine { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, empty } tei_measure = ## contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.5.3. Numbers and ## Measures] element tei:measure { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.measurement.attributes, ## specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology. attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_date = ## contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.6. The Revision Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 15.2.3. The Setting Description 13.3.6. Dates and Times] element tei:date { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase |*,, tei_att.datable.attributes, tei_att.editLike.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_ptr = ## (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links] element tei:ptr { empty >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-ptr-ptrAtts-constraint-report-6" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:ptr" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "@target and @cRef" "Only one of the\x{a}" ~ "attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on " sch:name [ ] "." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],, tei_att.pointing.attributes, tei_att.internetMedia.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.declaring.attributes, tei_att.cReferencing.attributes, empty } tei_ref = ## (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links] element tei:ref { tei_macro.paraContent >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-ref-refAtts-constraint-report-7" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:ref" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "@target and @cRef" "Only one of the\x{a}" ~ " attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on " sch:name [ ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],, tei_att.pointing.attributes, tei_att.internetMedia.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.declaring.attributes, tei_att.cReferencing.attributes, empty } tei_list = ## contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. Lists] element tei:list { ((tei_model.divTop |*, ((tei_item,*)+ | (*, tei_item,*)+), (tei_model.divBottom,*)*) >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-list-gloss-list-must-have-labels-constraint-rule-9" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:list[@type='gloss']" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "tei:label" 'The content of a "gloss" list should include a sequence of one or more pairs of a label element followed by an item element' ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype, ## describes the nature of the items in the list. ## Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism attribute type { ## each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a label element preceding the list item. "gloss" | ## each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume. "index" | ## each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe. "instructions" | ## each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual. "litany" | ## each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them. "syllogism" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_item = ## contains one component of a list. [3.7. Lists 2.6. The Revision Description] element tei:item { tei_macro.specialPara,, tei_att.sortable.attributes, empty } tei_head = ## (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. Headings and Trailers] element tei:head { (text | tei_lg | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | tei_model.inter | tei_model.lLike |*,, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.written.attributes, empty } tei_note = ## contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6. The Notes Statement Notes and Statement of Language Notes within Entries] element tei:note { tei_macro.specialPara,, tei_att.placement.attributes, tei_att.pointing.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.written.attributes, ## indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note. [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute anchored { xsd:boolean }?, ## points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point. attribute targetEnd { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }?, empty } tei_milestone = ## used to mark up a separator of any kind. [3.10.3. Milestone ## Elements] element tei:milestone { empty,, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype, tei_att.edition.attributes, tei_att.spanning.attributes, tei_att.breaking.attributes, ## attribute unit { ## "undetermined" }?, ## attribute type { ## "separator" }?, empty } tei_pb = ## (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. Milestone ## Elements] element tei:pb { empty,, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.edition.attributes, tei_att.spanning.attributes, tei_att.breaking.attributes, empty } tei_lb = ## (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. Milestone ## Elements 7.2.5. Speech Contents] element tei:lb { empty,,,, tei_att.breaking.attributes, ## (rendition) Indicates a slim ("line") or a bold horizontal ("line_high") ornament. attribute rend { list { ( ## "line" | ## "line_high")+ } }?, ## Documents the presence of a single hyphen ("s") or a double hyphen ("d") in the text source. attribute type { ## single hyphen "s" | ## double hyphen " d" }?, empty } tei_monogr = ## (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels] element tei:monogr { ((((tei_author | tei_respStmt), (tei_author | tei_respStmt)*, tei_title+, (tei_model.ptrLike | tei_idno | tei_respStmt)*) | ((tei_title | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_idno)+, (tei_author | tei_respStmt)*) | tei_idno)?, tei_availability*, tei_model.noteLike*, (tei_edition, (tei_idno | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_sponsor | tei_funder | tei_respStmt)*)*, tei_imprint, (tei_imprint | tei_extent)*),, empty } tei_series = ## (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels] element tei:series { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_title | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_respStmt | tei_idno | | tei_availability)*,, empty } tei_author = ## in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement] element tei:author { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.naming.attributes, empty } tei_respStmt = ## (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement] element tei:respStmt { ((tei_resp+, tei_model.nameLike.agent+) | (tei_model.nameLike.agent+, tei_resp+)),, tei_att.canonical.attributes, empty } tei_resp = ## (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement] element tei:resp {,, tei_att.canonical.attributes, tei_att.datable.attributes, empty } tei_title = ## contains a title for any kind of work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement] element tei:title { tei_macro.paraContent,, tei_att.canonical.attributes, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype, tei_att.datable.attributes, ## classifies the title according to some convenient typology. ## Sample values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive) attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, ## indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material. attribute level { ## (analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item. "a" | ## (monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works "m" | ## (journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper "j" | ## (series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection "s" | ## (unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press) "u" }?, empty } tei_imprint = ## groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] element tei:imprint { (empty*, ((tei_model.imprintPart | tei_model.dateLike), tei_respStmt*,*)+),, empty } tei_publisher = ## provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] element tei:publisher { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, empty } tei_pubPlace = ## (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] element tei:pubPlace { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.naming.attributes, empty } tei_bibl = ## (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:bibl { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.highlighted | | tei_model.pPart.edit | tei_model.segLike | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_model.biblPart |*,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.docStatus.attributes, empty } tei_biblStruct = ## (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:biblStruct { ((tei_monogr, tei_series*)+, (tei_model.noteLike | tei_model.ptrLike)*),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.docStatus.attributes, empty } tei_l = ## (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents] element tei:l { ((text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | tei_model.inter |*) >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-l-abstractModel-structure-l-constraint-report-8" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:l" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:l[. = current()])]" "\x{a}" ~ " Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain lines or lg elements.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],, tei_att.fragmentable.attributes, empty } tei_lg = ## (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents] element tei:lg { ((tei_model.divTop |*, (tei_model.lLike | tei_model.stageLike | tei_model.labelLike | tei_lg), (tei_model.lLike | tei_model.stageLike | tei_model.labelLike | | tei_lg)*, (tei_model.divBottom,*)*) >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-lg-atleast1oflggapl-constraint-assert-7" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:lg" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:assert [ test = "count(descendant::tei:lg|descendant::tei:l|descendant::tei:gap) > 0" "An lg element\x{a}" ~ " must contain at least one child l, lg or gap element." ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-lg-abstractModel-structure-l-constraint-report-9" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:lg" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:lg[. = current()])]" "\x{a}" ~ " Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain line groups.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tei_att.divLike.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.declaring.attributes, ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears. attribute ana { list { ( ## declares that the element it is attached to is written in verse "#verse")+ } }?, empty } tei_teiCorpus = ## contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more TEI elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text] element tei:teiCorpus { (tei_teiHeader, ((tei_model.resourceLike+, (tei_TEI | tei_teiCorpus)*) | (tei_TEI | tei_teiCorpus)+)),, tei_att.typed.attributes, ## The version of the TEI scheme [ a:defaultValue = "5.0" ] attribute version { xsd:token { pattern = "[\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}" } }?, empty } tei_textDesc = ## (text description) provides a description of a text in terms of its situational parameters. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:textDesc { (tei_channel, tei_constitution, tei_derivation, tei_domain, tei_factuality, tei_interaction, tei_preparedness, tei_purpose+),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_particDesc = ## (participation description) describes the identifiable speakers, voices, or other participants in any kind of text or other persons named or otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [15.2. Contextual Information] element tei:particDesc { (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_model.personLike)+),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_settingDesc = ## (setting description) describes the setting or settings within which a language interaction takes place, or other places otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [15.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description] element tei:settingDesc { (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_setting | tei_model.placeLike)+),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_channel = ## (primary channel) describes the medium or channel by which a text is delivered or experienced. For a written text, this might be print, manuscript, email, etc.; for a spoken one, radio, telephone, face-to-face, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:channel {,, ## specifies the mode of this channel with respect to speech and writing. [ a:defaultValue = "x" ] attribute mode { ## (spoken) "s" | ## (written) "w" | ## (spoken to be written) e.g. dictation "sw" | ## (written to be spoken) e.g. a script "ws" | ## (mixed) "m" | ## (unknown or inapplicable) "x" }?, empty } tei_constitution = ## describes the internal composition of a text or text sample, for example as fragmentary, complete, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:constitution {,, ## specifies how the text was constituted. [ a:defaultValue = "single" ] attribute type { ## a single complete text "single" | ## a text made by combining several smaller items, each individually complete "composite" | ## (fragments) a text made by combining several smaller, not necessarily complete, items "frags" | ## composition unknown or unspecified "unknown" }?, empty } tei_derivation = ## describes the nature and extent of originality of this text. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:derivation {,, ## categorizes the derivation of the text. ## Sample values include: 1] original; 2] revision; 3] translation; 4] abridgment; 5] plagiarism; 6] traditional attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_domain = ## (domain of use) describes the most important social context in which the text was realized or for which it is intended, for example private vs. public, education, religion, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:domain {,, ## categorizes the domain of use. ## Sample values include: 1] art; 2] domestic; 3] religious; 4] business; 5] education; 6] govt(government) ; 7] public attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_factuality = ## describes the extent to which the text may be regarded as imaginative or non-imaginative, that is, as describing a fictional or a non-fictional world. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:factuality {,, ## categorizes the factuality of the text. attribute type { ## the text is to be regarded as entirely imaginative "fiction" | ## the text is to be regarded as entirely informative or factual "fact" | ## the text contains a mixture of fact and fiction "mixed" | ## the fiction/fact distinction is not regarded as helpful or appropriate to this text "inapplicable" }?, empty } tei_interaction = ## describes the extent, cardinality and nature of any interaction among those producing and experiencing the text, for example in the form of response or interjection, commentary, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:interaction {,, ## specifies the degree of interaction between active and passive participants in the text. attribute type { ## no interaction of any kind, e.g. a monologue "none" | ## some degree of interaction, e.g. a monologue with set responses "partial" | ## complete interaction, e.g. a face to face conversation "complete" | ## this parameter is inappropriate or inapplicable in this case "inapplicable" }?, ## specifies the number of active participants (or addressors) producing parts of the text. ## Suggested values include: 1] singular; 2] plural; 3] corporate; 4] unknown attribute active { ## a single addressor "singular" | ## many addressors "plural" | ## a corporate addressor "corporate" | ## number of addressors unknown or unspecifiable "unknown" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, ## specifies the number of passive participants (or addressees) to whom a text is directed or in whose presence it is created or performed. ## Suggested values include: 1] self; 2] single; 3] many; 4] group; 5] world attribute passive { ## text is addressed to the originator e.g. a diary "self" | ## text is addressed to one other person e.g. a personal letter "single" | ## text is addressed to a countable number of others e.g. a conversation in which all participants are identified "many" | ## text is addressed to an undefined but fixed number of participants e.g. a lecture "group" | ## text is addressed to an undefined and indeterminately large number e.g. a published book "world" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_preparedness = ## describes the extent to which a text may be regarded as prepared or spontaneous. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:preparedness {,, ## a keyword characterizing the type of preparedness. ## Sample values include: 1] none; 2] scripted; 3] formulaic; 4] revised attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_purpose = ## characterizes a single purpose or communicative function of the text. [15.2.1. The Text Description] element tei:purpose {,, ## specifies a particular kind of purpose. ## Suggested values include: 1] persuade; 2] express; 3] inform; 4] entertain attribute type { ## didactic, advertising, propaganda, etc. "persuade" | ## self expression, confessional, etc. "express" | ## convey information, educate, etc. "inform" | ## amuse, entertain, etc. "entertain" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, ## specifies the extent to which this purpose predominates. attribute degree { ## "high" | ## "medium" | ## "low" | ## "unknown" }?, empty } tei_setting = ## describes one particular setting in which a language interaction takes place. [15.2.3. The Setting Description] element tei:setting { (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_model.nameLike.agent | tei_model.dateLike | tei_model.settingPart)*),, tei_att.ascribed.attributes, empty } tei_locale = ## contains a brief informal description of the kind of place concerned, for example: a room, a restaurant, a park bench, etc. [15.2.3. The Setting Description] element tei:locale {,, empty } tei_activity = ## contains a brief informal description of what a participant in a language interaction is doing other than speaking, if anything. [15.2.3. The Setting Description] element tei:activity {,, empty } tei_teiHeader = ## (TEI header) supplies descriptive and declarative metadata associated with a digital resource or set of resources. [2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text] element tei:teiHeader { (tei_fileDesc, tei_model.teiHeaderPart*),, empty } tei_fileDesc = ## (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. The File Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] element tei:fileDesc { ((tei_titleStmt, tei_editionStmt?, tei_extent?, tei_publicationStmt, tei_seriesStmt?, tei_notesStmt?), tei_sourceDesc+),, empty } tei_titleStmt = ## (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2. The File Description] element tei:titleStmt { (tei_title+, tei_model.respLike*),, empty } tei_sponsor = ## specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. The Title Statement] element tei:sponsor {,, tei_att.canonical.attributes, empty } tei_funder = ## (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. The Title Statement] element tei:funder {,, tei_att.canonical.attributes, empty } tei_editionStmt = ## (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2. The File Description] element tei:editionStmt { (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_edition, tei_model.respLike*)),, empty } tei_edition = ## describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement] element tei:edition { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, empty } tei_extent = ## describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. Type and Extent of File 2.2. The File Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.7.1. Object Description] element tei:extent { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, empty } tei_publicationStmt = ## (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2. The File Description] element tei:publicationStmt { ((, tei_model.publicationStmtPart.detail*)+ | tei_model.pLike+),, empty } tei_distributor = ## supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] element tei:distributor { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, empty } tei_idno = ## (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2.5. The Series Statement Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] element tei:idno { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_idno)*,, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.datable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype, ## categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc. ## Suggested values include: 1] ISBN; 2] ISSN; 3] DOI; 4] URI; 5] VIAF; 6] ESTC; 7] OCLC attribute type { ## International Standard Book Number: a 13- or (if assigned prior to 2007) 10-digit identifying number assigned by the publishing industry to a published book or similar item, registered with the International ISBN Agency. "ISBN" | ## International Standard Serial Number: an eight-digit number to uniquely identify a serial publication. "ISSN" | ## Digital Object Identifier: a unique string of letters and numbers assigned to an electronic document. "DOI" | ## Uniform Resource Identifier: a string of characters to uniquely identify a resource which usually contains indication of the means of accessing that resource, the name of its host, and its filepath. "URI" | ## A data number in the Virtual Internet Authority File assigned to link different names in catalogs around the world for the same entity. "VIAF" | ## English Short-Title Catalogue number: an identifying number assigned to a document in English printed in the British Isles or North America before 1801. "ESTC" | ## union catalog number in WorldCat representing a resource held by one or more of the member libraries in the global cooperative Online Computer Library Center. "OCLC" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_availability = ## supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] element tei:availability { (tei_model.availabilityPart | tei_model.pLike)+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, ## supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text. [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ] attribute status { ## the text is freely available. "free" | ## the status of the text is unknown. "unknown" | ## the text is not freely available. "restricted" }?, empty } tei_licence = ## contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] element tei:licence { tei_macro.specialPara,, tei_att.pointing.attributes, tei_att.datable.attributes, empty } tei_seriesStmt = ## (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. The Series Statement 2.2. The File Description] element tei:seriesStmt { (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_title+, (tei_respStmt)*, (tei_idno)*)),, empty } tei_notesStmt = ## (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. The Notes Statement 2.2. The File Description] element tei:notesStmt { (tei_model.noteLike)+,, empty } tei_sourceDesc = ## (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. The Source Description] element tei:sourceDesc { (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_model.biblLike | tei_model.sourceDescPart | tei_model.listLike)+),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_encodingDesc = ## (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. The Encoding Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] element tei:encodingDesc { (tei_model.encodingDescPart | tei_model.pLike)+,, empty } tei_schemaRef = ## (schema reference) describes or points to a related customization or schema file [2.3.9. The Schema Specification] element tei:schemaRef { tei_model.descLike?,, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.resourced.attributes, ## the identifier used for the customization or schema attribute key { xsd:NCName }?, empty } tei_projectDesc = ## (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. The Project Description 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:projectDesc { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_samplingDecl = ## (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. [2.3.2. The Sampling Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:samplingDecl { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_editorialDecl = ## (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:editorialDecl { (tei_model.pLike | tei_model.editorialDeclPart)+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_correction = ## (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:correction { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, ## indicates the degree of correction applied to the text. [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ] attribute status { ## the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread. "high" | ## the text has been checked at least once. "medium" | ## the text has not been checked. "low" | ## the correction status of the text is unknown. "unknown" }?, ## indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text. [ a:defaultValue = "silent" ] attribute method { ## corrections have been made silently "silent" | ## corrections have been represented using markup "markup" }?, empty } tei_normalization = ## indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:normalization { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, ## indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text. [ a:defaultValue = "silent" ] attribute method { ## normalization made silently "silent" | ## normalization represented using markup "markup" }?, empty } tei_hyphenation = ## summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:hyphenation { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, ## (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text. [ a:defaultValue = "some" ] attribute eol { ## all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been. "all" | ## end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases. "some" | ## all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained. "hard" | ## all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line. "none" }?, empty } tei_segmentation = ## describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:segmentation { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_stdVals = ## (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:stdVals { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_interpretation = ## describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration] element tei:interpretation { tei_model.pLike+,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_tagsDecl = ## (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description] element tei:tagsDecl { (tei_rendition*, tei_namespace*),, ## indicates whether the element types listed exhaustively include all those found within text, or represent only a subset. attribute partial { xsd:boolean }?, empty } tei_tagUsage = ## documents the usage of a specific element within a specified document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration] element tei:tagUsage { tei_macro.limitedContent,, ## (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent namespace element. attribute gi { xsd:Name }, ## specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text. attribute occurs { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?, ## (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global xml:id attribute. attribute withId { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?, ## specifies the identifier of a rendition element which defines how this element was rendered in the source text. attribute render { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }?, empty } tei_namespace = ## supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration] element tei:namespace { tei_tagUsage+,, ## specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned. attribute name { xsd:anyURI }, empty } tei_rendition = ## supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration] element tei:rendition { tei_macro.limitedContent,, tei_att.styleDef.attributes, ## where CSS is used, provides a way of defining pseudo-elements, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element. ## Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after attribute scope { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, ## contains a selector or series of selectors specifying the elements to which the contained style description applies, expressed in the language specified in the scheme attribute. attribute selector { xsd:string }?, empty } tei_styleDefDecl = ## (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. The Default Style Definition Language Declaration] element tei:styleDefDecl { tei_model.pLike*,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, tei_att.styleDef.attributes, empty } tei_taxonomy = ## defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration] element tei:taxonomy { (((tei_taxonomy)+ | ((tei_model.glossLike | tei_model.descLike)+, (tei_taxonomy)*)) | (tei_model.biblLike, (tei_taxonomy)*)),, empty } tei_profileDesc = ## (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] element tei:profileDesc { tei_model.profileDescPart*,, empty } tei_langUsage = ## (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements] element tei:langUsage { (tei_model.pLike+ | tei_language+),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_language = ## characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage] element tei:language {,, ## (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which is referenced by the global xml:lang attribute. attribute ident { xsd:language | ( ## "") }, ## specifies the approximate percentage (by volume) of the text which uses this language. attribute usage { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?, empty } tei_textClass = ## (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. The Text Classification] element tei:textClass { (tei_keywords)*,, tei_att.declarable.attributes, empty } tei_keywords = ## contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. The Text Classification] element tei:keywords { (tei_term+ | tei_list),, ## identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource. attribute scheme { xsd:anyURI }?, empty } tei_correspDesc = ## (correspondence ## description) contains a description of the actions related to one act of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description] element tei:correspDesc { (tei_model.correspDescPart+ | tei_model.pLike+), tei_att.declarable.attributes, tei_att.canonical.attributes,, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_correspAction = ## (correspondence action) contains a structured description of the place, the name of a person/organization and the date related to the sending/receiving of a message or any other action related to the correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description] element tei:correspAction { (tei_model.correspActionPart+ | tei_model.pLike+),, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype, tei_att.sortable.attributes, ## describes the nature of the action. ## Suggested values include: 1] sent; 2] received; 3] transmitted; 4] redirected; 5] forwarded attribute type { ## information concerning the sending or dispatch of a message. "sent" | ## information concerning the receipt of a message. "received" | ## information concerning the transmission of a message, i.e. between the dispatch and the next receipt, redirect or forwarding. "transmitted" | ## information concerning the redirection of an unread message. "redirected" | ## information concerning the forwarding of a message. "forwarded" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_correspContext = ## (correspondence context) provides references to preceding or following correspondence related to this piece of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description] element tei:correspContext { tei_model.correspContextPart+,, empty } tei_xenoData = ## (non-TEI metadata) provides a container element into which metadata in non-TEI formats may be placed. [2.5. Non-TEI Metadata] element tei:xenoData { (text | anyElement-xenoData),, tei_att.declarable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_TEI = ## (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resourceLike class. Multiple TEI elements may be combined to form a teiCorpus element. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text] element tei:TEI { (tei_teiHeader, tei_model.resourceLike+) >> sch:ns [ prefix = "tei" uri = "" ] >> sch:ns [ prefix = "xs" uri = "" ] >> sch:ns [ prefix = "rng" uri = "" ],, tei_att.typed.attributes, ## specifies the major version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid. attribute version { xsd:token { pattern = "[\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}" } }?, empty } tei_text = ## contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text] element tei:text { (*, (tei_front,*)?, (tei_body),*, (tei_back,*)?),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tei_att.declaring.attributes, tei_att.typed.attribute.subtype, tei_att.written.attributes, ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears. attribute ana { list { ( ## declares that the element it is attached to is (mainly) written in prose "#prose")+ } }, ## characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology. attribute type { ## declares that this text is conceptualised as a book (including empty pages etc.) "book" }, empty } tei_body = ## (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. Default Text Structure] element tei:body { (*, (tei_model.divTop, ( | tei_model.divTop)*)?, (tei_model.divGenLike, ( | tei_model.divGenLike)*)?, ((tei_model.divLike, ( | tei_model.divGenLike)*)+ | (tei_model.div1Like, ( | tei_model.divGenLike)*)+ | ((tei_model.common,*)+, ((tei_model.divLike, ( | tei_model.divGenLike)*)+ | (tei_model.div1Like, ( | tei_model.divGenLike)*)+)?)), (tei_model.divBottom,*)*),, tei_att.declaring.attributes, empty } tei_div = ## (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. Divisions of the Body] element tei:div { ((tei_model.divTop |*, ((((tei_model.divLike | tei_model.divGenLike),*)+ | ((tei_model.common,*)+, ((tei_model.divLike | tei_model.divGenLike),*)*)), (tei_model.divBottom,*)*)?) >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-div-abstractModel-structure-l-constraint-report-10" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:div" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "ancestor::tei:l" "\x{a}" ~ " Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-div-abstractModel-structure-p-constraint-report-11" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:div" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab and not(ancestor::tei:floatingText)" "\x{a}" ~ " Abstract model violation: p and ab may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div.\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],,,, tei_att.written.attributes, ## (number) Provides a modernized title of the division it is attached to, which is displayed in automatically generated table of contents. attribute n { xsd:string }?, ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears. attribute ana { list { ( ## declares that the element it is attached to is written in verse "#verse")+ } }?, ## Provides a simple typology for selected kinds of divisions. Allowed values are preface, dedication, chapter and index. attribute type { ## "preface" | ## " dedication" | ## " chapter" | ## " imprint" | ## " index" }?, empty } tei_byline = ## contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers 4.5. Front Matter] element tei:byline { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | tei_docAuthor |*,, empty } tei_epigraph = ## contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions 4.6. Title Pages] element tei:epigraph { (tei_model.common |*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears. attribute ana { list { ( ## declares that the element it is attached to is written in verse "#verse")+ } }?, empty } tei_titlePage = ## (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:titlePage { (*, tei_model.titlepagePart, (tei_model.titlepagePart |*),, ## classifies the title page according to any convenient typology. attribute type { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_docTitle = ## (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:docTitle { (*, (tei_titlePart,*)+),, tei_att.canonical.attributes, empty } tei_titlePart = ## contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:titlePart { tei_macro.paraContent,, ## specifies the role of this subdivision of the title. ## Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive) [ a:defaultValue = "main" ] attribute type { ## main title of the work "main" | ## (subordinate) subtitle of the work "sub" | ## (alternate) alternative title of the work "alt" | ## abbreviated form of title "short" | ## (descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work "desc" | xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" } }?, empty } tei_docAuthor = ## (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:docAuthor { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.canonical.attributes, empty } tei_imprimatur = ## contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:imprimatur { tei_macro.paraContent,, empty } tei_docEdition = ## (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:docEdition { tei_macro.paraContent,, empty } tei_docImprint = ## (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:docImprint { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | tei_pubPlace | tei_docDate | tei_publisher |*,, empty } tei_docDate = ## (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. Title Pages] element tei:docDate { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, ## gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD. attribute when { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime }?, empty } tei_front = ## (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. Title Pages 4. Default Text Structure] element tei:front { ((tei_model.frontPart | tei_model.pLike | tei_model.pLike.front |*, (((tei_model.div1Like, (tei_model.div1Like | tei_model.frontPart |*) | (tei_model.divLike, (tei_model.divLike | tei_model.frontPart |*)), (tei_model.divBottom, (tei_model.divBottom |*)?)?),, tei_att.declaring.attributes, empty } tei_back = ## (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. Back Matter 4. Default Text Structure] element tei:back { ((tei_model.frontPart | tei_model.pLike.front | tei_model.pLike | tei_model.listLike |*, ((tei_model.div1Like, (tei_model.frontPart | tei_model.div1Like |*) | (tei_model.divLike, (tei_model.frontPart | tei_model.divLike |*))?, (tei_model.divBottomPart, (tei_model.divBottomPart |*)?),, tei_att.declaring.attributes, empty } tei_g = ## (character or glyph) represents a glyph, or a non-standard character. [5. Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes] element tei:g { text,,,, ## points to a description of the character or glyph intended. attribute ref { ## used to represent the Unicode character 'TIRONIAN SIGN ET' (U+204A) "#tironian-et" | ## "#footerDots" | ## "#bracketsGM" | ## "#bracketsMW" | ## "#bracketsTC" }, empty } tei_char = ## (character) provides descriptive information about a character. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs] element tei:char { (tei_charName?, tei_model.descLike*, tei_charProp*, tei_mapping*, tei_figure*, tei_model.graphicLike*, tei_model.noteLike*),, empty } tei_charName = ## (character name) contains the name of a character, expressed following Unicode conventions. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs] element tei:charName { text,, empty } tei_charProp = ## (character property) provides a name and value for some property of the parent character or glyph. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs] element tei:charProp { (empty, tei_value),, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_charDecl = ## (character declarations) provides information about nonstandard characters and glyphs. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs] element tei:charDecl { (tei_char)+,, empty } tei_mapping = ## (character mapping) contains one or more characters which are related to the parent character or glyph in some respect, as specified by the type attribute. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs] element tei:mapping { tei_macro.xtext,, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_value = ## contains a single value for some property, attribute, or other analysis. [5.2.1. Character Properties] element tei:value { tei_macro.xtext,, empty } = = ## (facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element. attribute facs { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? = = ## points to one or more change elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder. attribute change { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_fw = ## (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter] element tei:fw { tei_macro.phraseSeq,,,,, tei_att.written.attributes, ## specifies where this item is placed. attribute place { list { ( ## "bot_center" | ## "bot_left" | ## "bot_right" | ## "margin_right" | ## "top_center" | ## "top_left" | ## "top_right")+ } }?, ## Differentiates between header and footers, catch words, marginal notes and pagination. attribute type { ## "header" | ## "footer" | ## "pageNum" | ## "catch" | ## "marginalNote" }?, empty } tei_supplied = ## signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason; for example because the original cannot be read due to physical damage, or because of an obvious omission by the author or scribe. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text] element tei:supplied { tei_macro.paraContent,, tei_att.editLike.attributes, ## one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original. attribute reason { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }?, empty } tei_secl = ## (secluded text) Secluded. Marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be genuine but out of its original place (which is unknown). [ Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription] element tei:secl { tei_macro.paraContent,, tei_att.editLike.attributes, ## one or more words indicating why this text has been secluded, e.g. interpolated etc. attribute reason { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }?, empty } = = ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears. attribute ana { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_w = ## (word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories] element tei:w { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_seg | tei_w | tei_pc | | tei_model.lPart | tei_model.hiLike | tei_model.pPart.edit)*,,,,, ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears. attribute ana { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }?, ## Characerizes the token following the STTS tagset with certain extensions for contracted (two STTS tags concatenated with a underscore) or ambiguous types (two tags concatened with a pipe symbol) attribute type { ## "ADJA" | ## "ADJA_NN" | ## "ADJD" | ## "ADJD_VVPP" | ## "ADV" | ## "ADV_ADJA" | ## "ADV_ADV" | ## "ADVART" | ## "APPO" | ## "APPR" | ## "APPRART" | ## "APPR_NN" | ## "APPR_APZR" | ## "APPR_ART" | ## "APZR" | ## "ART" | ## "ART_NN" | ## "ARTNN" | ## "CARD" | ## "FM" | ## "FM_FM" | ## "ITJ" | ## "KOKOM" | ## "KON" | ## "KOUI" | ## "KOUS" | ## "KOUS_PIS" | ## "KOUSPPER" | ## "NE" | ## "NE::top" | ## "NE_NE" | ## "NN" | ## "NN_NE::top" | ## "NN_NN" | ## "PAV" | ## "PAV_PPER" | ## "PDAT" | ## "PDS" | ## "PDSPPER" | ## "PIAT" | ## "PIS" | ## "PISPPER" | ## "PPER" | ## "PPERPPER" | ## "PPOSAT" | ## "PPOSS" | ## "PRELAT" | ## "PRELS" | ## "PRF" | ## "PRFPPER" | ## "PTKA" | ## "PTKANT" | ## "PTKNEG" | ## "PTKVZ" | ## "PTKVZ_PTKZU" | ## "PTKVZ_ADJD" | ## "PTKZU" | ## "PTKZU_VVINF" | ## "PWAT" | ## "PWAV" | ## "PWS" | ## "TRUNC" | ## "VAFIN" | ## "VAFINPPER" | ## "VAIMP" | ## "VAINF" | ## "VAPP" | ## "VMFIN" | ## "VMFINPPER" | ## "VMINF" | ## "VMPP" | ## "VVFIN" | ## "VVFINPPER" | ## "VVIMP" | ## "VVIMPART" | ## "VVIMPPPER" | ## "VVINF" | ## "VVIZU" | ## "VVIZU_VVINF" | ## "VVPP" | ## "XY" | ## "span" }, ## provides a lemma for the word, such as an uninflected dictionary entry form. attribute lemma { xsd:string }?, empty } tei_pc = ## (punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories] element tei:pc { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.pPart.edit)*,,,,, ## Provides the type of punctuation character. attribute type { ## equal to STTS tag $, "comma" | ## equal to STTS tag $. "final" | ## equal to STTS tag $( "internal" | ## indicates that the character in question is part of a token "span" }, empty } tei_interp = ## (interpretation) summarizes a specific interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text. [17.3. Spans and Interpretations] element tei:interp { (text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.descLike | tei_model.certLike)*,, tei_att.interpLike.attributes, empty } tei_interpGrp = ## (interpretation group) collects together a set of related interpretations which share responsibility or type. [17.3. Spans and Interpretations] element tei:interpGrp { (tei_model.descLike*, tei_interp+),, tei_att.interpLike.attributes, empty } tei_att.msExcerpt.attributes = tei_att.msExcerpt.attribute.defective tei_att.msExcerpt.attribute.defective = ## indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage. [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute defective { xsd:boolean | ( ## "unknown" | ## "inapplicable") }? tei_msDesc = ## (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. Overview] element tei:msDesc { (tei_msIdentifier, tei_model.headLike*, (tei_model.pLike+ | (tei_additional?, (tei_msFrag*)))),, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.declaring.attributes, empty } tei_msIdentifier = ## (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier] element tei:msIdentifier { ((tei_placeName?, tei_settlement?, tei_institution?, tei_repository?, tei_collection*, tei_idno?), empty*) >> sch:pattern [ id = "abacus-msIdentifier-msId_minimal-constraint-report-12" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:rule [ context = "tei:msIdentifier" "\x{a}" ~ " " sch:report [ test = "not(parent::tei:msPart) and (local-name(*[1])='idno' or local-name(*[1])='altIdentifier' or normalize-space(.)='')" "An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location of some type, or a manuscript name" ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ] "\x{a}" ~ " " ],, empty } tei_institution = ## contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier] element tei:institution { tei_macro.xtext,, tei_att.naming.attributes, empty } tei_repository = ## contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier] element tei:repository { tei_macro.xtext,, tei_att.naming.attributes, empty } tei_collection = ## contains the name of a collection of manuscripts, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier] element tei:collection { tei_macro.xtext,, tei_att.naming.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_additional = ## groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript, or surrogate copies of it with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. Additional Information] element tei:additional { tei_surrogates?,, empty } tei_surrogates = ## contains information about any representations of the manuscript being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. Additional Information] element tei:surrogates { tei_macro.specialPara,, empty } tei_msFrag = ## (manuscript fragment) contains information about a fragment of a scattered manuscript now held as a single unit or bound into a larger manuscript. [10.11. Manuscript Fragments] element tei:msFrag { ((tei_msIdentifier), tei_model.headLike*, (tei_model.pLike+ | tei_additional?)),, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_table = ## contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. TEI Tables] element tei:table { ((tei_model.headLike |*, ((tei_row,*)+ | (tei_model.graphicLike,*)+), (tei_model.divBottom,*)*),, tei_att.typed.attributes, ## indicates the number of rows in the table. attribute rows { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?, ## (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table. attribute cols { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?, empty } tei_row = ## contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables] element tei:row { tei_cell+,, tei_att.tableDecoration.attributes, empty } tei_cell = ## contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables] element tei:cell { tei_macro.specialPara,, tei_att.tableDecoration.attributes, empty } tei_figure = ## groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. Specific Elements for Graphic Images] element tei:figure { (tei_model.headLike | tei_model.common | tei_model.graphicLike | | tei_model.divBottom)*,, tei_att.placement.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty } tei_att.datable.custom.attributes = tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom, tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom, tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom, tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom,, tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint, tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom = ## supplies the value of a date or time in some custom standard form. attribute when-custom { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom = ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form. attribute notBefore-custom { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom = ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form. attribute notAfter-custom { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom = ## indicates the starting point of the period in some custom standard form. attribute from-custom { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? = ## indicates the ending point of the period in some custom standard form. attribute to-custom { list { xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }+ } }? tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint = ## supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred attribute datingPoint { xsd:anyURI }? tei_att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod = ## supplies a pointer to a calendar element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes. attribute datingMethod { xsd:anyURI }? tei_model.persNamePart = notAllowed tei_model.persNamePart_alternation = notAllowed tei_model.persNamePart_sequence = empty tei_model.persNamePart_sequenceOptional = empty tei_model.persNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty tei_model.persNamePart_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed tei_att.datable.iso.attributes = tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso, tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso, tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso, tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso, tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso = ## supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form. attribute when-iso { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime | xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" } }? tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso = ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute notBefore-iso { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime | xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" } }? tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso = ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. attribute notAfter-iso { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime | xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" } }? tei_att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso = ## indicates the starting point of the period in standard form. attribute from-iso { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime | xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" } }? = ## indicates the ending point of the period in standard form. attribute to-iso { xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime | xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" } }? tei_persName = ## (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. Personal Names] element tei:persName { tei_macro.phraseSeq, tei_att.canonical.attribute.key, ## Characeterizes the name as historical ("hist"), biblical ("bibl"), mythological ("myth") or undefined/unknown. attribute type { ## "hist" | ## "bibl" | ## "undefined" | ## "myth" }, empty } tei_placeName = ## contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. Place Names] element tei:placeName { tei_macro.phraseSeq, ## provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind. attribute key { ## "ach" | ## "acro" | ## "afri" | ## "alst" | ## "alto" | ## "anti" | ## "arag" | ## "asch" | ## "asia" | ## "assy" | ## "athe" | ## "augs" | ## "aust" | ## "aver" | ## "babe" | ## "babi" | ## "baby" | ## "bamb" | ## "base" | ## "bava" | ## "bego" | ## "berg" | ## "bern" | ## "bers" | ## "beth" | ## "bethu" | ## "bett" | ## "bohe" | ## "bono" | ## "brab" | ## "bras" | ## "bred" | ## "bret" | ## "brit" | ## "brus" | ## "burg" | ## "byth" | ## "cali" | ## "call" | ## "cana" | ## "canar" | ## "cand" | ## "cape" | ## "capp" | ## "cari" | ## "carm" | ## "carn" | ## "cata" | ## "cedr" | ## "cerv" | ## "chim" | ## "chot" | ## "clai" | ## "colo" | ## "cons" | ## "cors" | ## "cypr" | ## "dan" | ## "danu" | ## "danz" | ## "dead" | ## "diez" | ## "eger" | ## "egyp" | ## "enge" | ## "engl" | ## "enns" | ## "ethi" | ## "etna" | ## "euph" | ## "euro" | ## "fail" | ## "feld" | ## "fich" | ## "flor" | ## "fran" | ## "frank" | ## "frans" | ## "gali" | ## "galiM" | ## "gast" | ## "geno" | ## "germ" | ## "giho" | ## "gomo" | ## "graz" | ## "gree" | ## "green" | ## "hai" | ## "hamb" | ## "hecl" | ## "hein" | ## "heke" | ## "helb" | ## "held" | ## "hels" | ## "herr" | ## "hert" | ## "himb" | ## "hiri" | ## "hung" | ## "icel" | ## "indi" | ## "ingo" | ## "isaf" | ## "isra" | ## "ital" | ## "jeri" | ## "jeru" | ## "jord" | ## "juda" | ## "kahl" | ## "kara" | ## "kitz" | ## "kons" | ## "korn" | ## "kree" | ## "krem" | ## "laeb" | ## "laim" | ## "land" | ## "laus" | ## "laxe" | ## "leba" | ## "lech" | ## "leip" | ## "leit" | ## "leop" | ## "linz" | ## "lisb" | ## "loau" | ## "lore" | ## "lugd" | ## "lyci" | ## "lydi" | ## "mabr" | ## "madr" | ## "magd" | ## "mago" | ## "main" | ## "mala" | ## "malu" | ## "mann" | ## "maur" | ## "maze" | ## "mess" | ## "mila" | ## "moes" | ## "molu" | ## "moro" | ## "mosc" | ## "muen" | ## "naim" | ## "nanq" | ## "nant" | ## "napl" | ## "nava" | ## "naza" | ## "neth" | ## "neuk" | ## "nijm" | ## "nini" | ## "nola" | ## "norw" | ## "nure" | ## "ober" | ## "oder" | ## "otto" | ## "padu" | ## "pala" | ## "pale" | ## "pali" | ## "paqu" | ## "pari" | ## "parn" | ## "pass" | ## "pegu" | ## "penz" | ## "perg" | ## "pers" | ## "peru" | ## "phil" | ## "phis" | ## "pola" | ## "port" | ## "prag" | ## "presb" | ## "presl" | ## "prug" | ## "rege" | ## "reic" | ## "reid" | ## "rein" | ## "rhin" | ## "rome" | ## "rora" | ## "ross" | ## "salm" | ## "salz" | ## "sant" | ## "sard" | ## "sava" | ## "scay" | ## "scha" | ## "scho" | ## "schw" | ## "scot" | ## "scyt" | ## "sici" | ## "sile" | ## "sina" | ## "sodo" | ## "soll" | ## "solo" | ## "spai" | ## "spey" | ## "spit" | ## "stai" | ## "stau" | ## "stei" | ## "stra" | ## "strb" | ## "styr" | ## "sues" | ## "swab" | ## "swed" | ## "swis" | ## "tabo" | ## "taxa" | ## "teon" | ## "thek" | ## "thur" | ## "tibe" | ## "tigr" | ## "tole" | ## "tren" | ## "troy" | ## "tuni" | ## "tyro" | ## "tyros" | ## "ulm" | ## "umbr" | ## "umke" | ## "undefined" | ## "uoes" | ## "upau" | ## "veni" | ## "vero" | ## "vesu" | ## "vien" | ## "vienAlterFleischmarckt" | ## "vienArsenal-Cordina" | ## "vienAugustiner-Cordina" | ## "vienBäckerstraße" | ## "vienBauernmarkt" | ## "vienBiber-Cordina" | ## "vienBlutgasse" | ## "vienBognergasse" | ## "vienBräunerstraße" | ## "vienBrandstätte" | ## "vienBraun-Bastei" | ## "vienBraun-Cordina" | ## "vienBurg-Bastei" | ## "vienBurg-Cordina" | ## "vienBurgtor" | ## "vienDominikaner-Bastei" | ## "vienDorotheergasse" | ## "vienElend-Bastei" | ## "vienFärbergasse" | ## "vienFischerstiege" | ## "vienFischmarkt" | ## "vienFleischmarkt" | ## "vienFreyung" | ## "vienGrünanger" | ## "vienGraben" | ## "vienHeidenschuss" | ## "vienHerrengasse" | ## "vienHimmelpfortgasse" | ## "vienHimmelspforte" | ## "vienHoheBrücke" | ## "vienHoherMarkt" | ## "vienHutergassel" | ## "vienJohannesgasse" | ## "vienJudengasse" | ## "vienJudenplatz" | ## "vienJungferngasse" | ## "vienKärntner-Bastei" | ## "vienKärntner-Cordina" | ## "vienKärntnerStraße" | ## "vienKärntnertor" | ## "vienKatzensteig" | ## "vienKienmarkt" | ## "vienKlugerstraße" | ## "vienKohlmarkt" | ## "vienLöwel-Bastei" | ## "vienLöwel-Cordina" | ## "vienLandskrongasse" | ## "vienMönch-Cordina" | ## "vienMelker-Bastei" | ## "vienNaglergasse" | ## "vienNeueBastei" | ## "vienNeuerMarkt" | ## "vienNeuesWerk" | ## "vienOfenloch" | ## "vienRathgasse" | ## "vienRenngasse" | ## "vienRiemergasse" | ## "vienRosengasse" | ## "vienSalzgries" | ## "vienSaumarkt" | ## "vienSauwinkel" | ## "vienSchaumarkt" | ## "vienSchenkerstraße" | ## "vienSchlossergasse" | ## "vienSchotten-Cordina" | ## "vienSchottentor" | ## "vienSchulerstraße" | ## "vienSeilerstätte" | ## "vienSingerstraße" | ## "vienStockimEisen" | ## "vienStrohgasse" | ## "vienStubentor" | ## "vienStubentor-Cordina" | ## "vienTeinfaltstraße" | ## "vienWallerstraße" | ## "vienWasserkunst-Bastei" | ## "vienWeidenburg" | ## "vienWipplingerstraße" | ## "vienZwölfApostel" | ## "viln" | ## "virg" | ## "würz" | ## "waid" | ## "wald" | ## "walt" | ## "wayd" | ## "wels" | ## "weph" | ## "wrNe" | ## "zion" }?, ## the type of a placeName attribute type { ## continent "cont" | ## country "coun" | ## district "dist" | ## city "city" | ## settlement "sett" | ## street "stre" | ## mountain "moun" | ## river "rive" | ## lake "lake" | ## sea "sea" | ## a part of a city or town "subu" | ## village "vill" }, ## declares the placeName to be used in direct ("dire") or allusive ("allu") manner. attribute subtype { ## "dire" | ## "allu" }, empty } tei_settlement = ## contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. Place Names] element tei:settlement { tei_macro.phraseSeq,, tei_att.naming.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.datable.attributes, empty } =,,,,,,, = ## (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way. attribute corresp { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? = ## (synchronous) points to elements that are synchronous with the current element. attribute synch { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? = ## points to an element that is the same as the current element. attribute sameAs { xsd:anyURI }? = ## points to an element of which the current element is a copy. attribute copyOf { xsd:anyURI }? = ## points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part. attribute next { xsd:anyURI }? = ## (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part. attribute prev { xsd:anyURI }? = ## points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element. attribute exclude { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? = ## selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected. attribute select { list { xsd:anyURI+ } }? tei_seg = ## (arbitrary segment) represents a typographically distinct segment of text (when used with a rend attribute), a whitespace (when used with type attribute of value whitespace), or servces as a wrapper element for either ornaments of any kind (florals and the like) (type of value ornament) or numbering expressions in headings (type of value enum). [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 6.2. Components of the Verse Line 7.2.5. Speech Contents] element tei:seg { tei_macro.paraContent,,, tei_att.written.attributes, ## (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text. attribute rend { list { ( ## "antiqua" | ## "initialCapital" | ## "bold" | ## "italicised" | ## "smallCaps" | ## "spaced" | ## "gothic" | ## "sup")+ } }?, ## characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology. attribute type { ## "whitespace" | ## "ornament" | ## "enum" }?, empty } tei_include = ## The W3C XInclude element element include { tei_fallback?, ## pointer to the resource being included attribute href { tei_data.pointer }?, ## [ a:defaultValue = "xml" ] attribute parse { ## "xml" | ## "text" }?, ## attribute xpointer { text }?, ## attribute encoding { text }?, ## attribute accept { text }?, ## attribute accept-charset { text }?, ## attribute accept-language { text }?, empty } tei_fallback = ## Wrapper for fallback elements if an XInclude fails element fallback { (text | tei_macro.anyThing)+ } start = tei_TEI | tei_teiCorpus